B&T Master Dealer
How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual… as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of. - Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp
Shipping Policy/Prices
No sales tax collected out of state
Boise, ID
Text or call anytime
How to Purchase
Firearm or Suppressor
We will only ship to a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer (FFL)
MUST BE 21 years old
1. You MUST be 21 and know your local laws to include state and local laws with regard to firearm ownership. California is extremely restrictive so know your laws. Consider contacting your local firearms dealer before buying.
2. Locate a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer (FFL) near you. Please have them call us at 208-298-7916 OR call us with their phone number. You will be able to provide your FFl's contact information at checkout.
Use the link below to find your location and search for your "FFL" or gun dealer.
3. On the main menu click "Buy B&T Firearms" to view the firearms and pick your favorite firearm to purchase. Add to cart and follow the prompts. You can also email us at sales@idaho2atactical.com with your FFL info. Thank you for your purchase of one of the finest firearms.
Suppressors can only ship to an FFL/SOT. They usually ship to your dealer in approximently 2-7 days. The paper work to transfer the suppressor to you will be done with the help of your FFL/SOT. For questions please feel free to call us at 208-298-7916.
Remember that firearms are dangerous and should never be left unlocked or unattended around children.
Always assume a firearm is loaded.
We hope you enjoy your firearm for years to come. Please BE SAFE and always be respectful of your neighbor no matter their race or gender.
We appreciate your business.
Take care, Travis.